Introduction :
It would be a bit challenging to find out how many people or who are those people who are not a fan or a lover of the Harry Potter series. Be it the book, basically the novel or the tv cartoon show of the concerning series of the same. We are die hard fans of the same and the Harry Potter series has a much huge fan following. Our childhood was designed and prepared up by this nostalgia. So, how can we forget it? It was worth it. Now, right at the commencement of the first chapter of the story, there appears a mentor namely professor mcgonagall. What was his subject of expertise? What subject does professor McGonagall teach in Harry potter? The answer to this question would be that the protagonist is the all in all and the central of the Gryffindor house and actually mentors the subject of the Transfiguration mentor. Also, through the means of the books it is known that the same person gains the ability and alps possesses the potential to be turned and traversed onto the roles of that of a transformation into a tabby cat.
Description of professor mcgonagall :

The master also holds up the position in the origins of Hogwarts, but he is just great and one of the most educated personalities regarding the Dark Arts. His physical appearance could be described as that he stands tall at a huge height and much thinner with a portion of a skin which is way too shallower . The colour and the hue that resembled his hair could be defined as a greasy black in appearance and also a much hitched and tied up nose positioned over his face. Also, he takes his study sessions in the place of the dungeons, the place where occurrences and emerges the existence of the animals that are pickled over the containers that too stays up floating and stays in the position of afloat. The person actually learns to not like the Harry Potter , but one of his much liked and appreciated students is his learner namely Draco Malfoy , was one of his much loved learners. This is not that shocking because he comes at the centre of the Slytherin home.
Conclusion :
What subject does professor mcgonagall teach in harry potter? The professor mcgonagall also positions in the place of Albus Dumbledore and is also a person or the individual of the Order of the Phoenix. Like one after the other Lord Voldemort gets non victory in the hands of one of her learners, the main character, Harry Potter . This outstanding role was played by Maggie Smith in the cinemas and the movies.
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